Month: November 2021


DHHS: Platform plus agile development

For government agencies, quickly developing user-friendly and stable public service applications is crucial to building trust among citizens. It’s also key to avoiding long, costly development cycles that can exceed deadlines and damage credibility. Watch this video to learn how, by combining the platform plus agile approach with Microsoft #Azure, Victoria, Australia, is delivering more efficient IT in its department and across the entire state.…Continue readingDHHS: Platform plus agile development


Microsoft Dynamics 365: Rapid healthcare transformation demands a holistic approach

Modern healthcare organizations must find ways of unifying healthcare data to unlock connectivity and interoperability that can improve the value of care. Read this eBook to learn how some of the industry’s top players are using #MSDyn365 to achieve interoperability and reduce costs, increase revenue, and optimize risk management, leading to improved patient outcomes.…Continue readingMicrosoft Dynamics 365: Rapid healthcare transformation demands a holistic approach


DHHS: Growing community services with apps

In recent years, more and more government agencies have successfully employed digital tools and channels to simplify and streamline their interactions with citizens and businesses. These tools have also allowed agencies to increase operational efficiency and build trust among taxpayers. See how the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Victoria, Australia, is using Microsoft #Azure to enable new citizen-facing apps that provide improved patient experiences.…Continue readingDHHS: Growing community services with apps